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HTML MCQ Questions and Answers [PDF]

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HTML MCQ questions and answers with pdf download free important objective type MCQs for interview, viva and competitive exams preparation

HTML MCQ Questions and Answers

1. In html  _______ tag defines paragraph.

a) <p>             

b) <para>       

c) <table>       

d) <section>

Ans. a


2. What is Default extension for a HTML document?

(a) .htm           

(b) .html          

(c) both a & b            

(d) none of them

Ans. c


3. HTML tag begins with______ symbol.

(a) <                

(b) >                

(c) <!               

(d) !>

Ans. a


4. HTML tag ends with _____symbol.

(a) <                

(b) >                

(c) <!               

(d) !>

Ans. b


5. HTML comment begins with_____ symbol.

(a) <                

(b) >                

(c) <!               

(d) !>

Ans. c


6. HTML comment ends with ______symbol.

(a) <                

(b) >                

(c) <! --             

(d) -->

Ans. d


7. SGML stands for .

(a) Standard Grand Markup Language               

(b) Synchronized Generalized Markup Language

(c) Standard Generalized Markup Language

(d) Simple Generalized Markup Language

Ans. c


8. DTD stands in markup language for_______.

(a) Document Type Definition

(b) Data Type Definition

(c) Digital Type Definition

(d) Design Type Definition

Ans. a


9. DDL stands for ______

(a) Data Description Library

(b) Data Description Language

(c) Data Description Liberty

(d) Data Description License

Ans. a


10. Most of the HTML tags have a corresponding closing tag, which begins with _____symbol.

(a) <! - -                      

(b) < /             

(c) < :             

(d) <&nbsp;

Ans. b


11. If a HTML tag does not have explicit closing tag, the tag may be closed with _____symbol instead of a simple >symbol.

(a) >                

(b) : >              

(c) />   

(d) @ >

Ans. c


12. The title to be displayed at the top of the browser window or browser tab is enclosed in_____ .

(a) < HTML > ::: < =HTML > 

(b) < HEAD > ::: < =HEAD >

(c) < TITLE > ::: < /T ITLE >  

(d) < BODY > ::: < =BODY >

Ans. c


13. Paragraph is contained inside _______HTML tags.

(a) < p > ::: < /p >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align =\center" > ::: < =div >

(c) < div align = \left" > ::: < =div >

(d) < div align = \right" > ::: < =div >

Ans. a


14. Elements to be centre aligned in browser display are enclosed inside _______HTML tags.

(a) < p > ::: < =p >

(b) <center> ::: < =center >or < div align = “center" > ::: < /div >

(c) < div align = \left" > ::: < =div >

(d) < div align = \right" > ::: < =div >

Ans. b


15. Elements to be left aligned in browser display are enclosed inside ______HTML tags.

(a) < div align = \justified" > ::: < =div >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align =\center" > ::: < =div >

(c) < div align = “left" > ::: < /div >

(d) < div align = \right" > ::: < =div >

Ans. c


16. Elements to be right aligned in browserdisplay are enclosed inside_____ HTML tags.

(a) < div align = \justified" > ::: < =div >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align =\center" > ::: < =div >

(c) < div align = \left" > ::: < =div >

(d) < div align = “right" > ::: < /div >

Ans. d


17. Elements to be justified (aligned usewith left and right edges) in browser display are enclosed inside_____ tags inHTML.

(a) < div align = “justified" > ::: < /div >

(b) < center > ::: < =center >or < div align =\center" > ::: < =div >

(c) < div align = \left" > ::: < =div >

(d) < div align = \right" > ::: < =div >

Ans. a


18. _______ HTML tag displays animage in HTML page.

(a) <imgsrc= “file name.jpg" >

(b) <tableborder= 1 > ::: < =table >

(c) <tableborder= 0 > ::: < =table >

(d) <ahref= \target:htm" > ::: < =a >

Ans. a


19. ______HTML tag displays a table without border.

(a) <imgsrc= \file:jpg" >

(b) <tableborder= 1 > ::: < =table >

(c) <tableborder= 0 > ::: < /table >

(d) <ahref= \target:htm" > ::: < =a >

Ans. c


20. ______HTML tag creates aclickable hyper link for navigation inside the same page or between differentpages.

(a) <imgsrc= \file:jpg" >

(b) <tableborder= 1 > ::: < =table >

(c) <tableborder= 0 > ::: < =table >

(d) <ahref= “target.htm" > ::: < /a >

Ans. d


21. _______HTML tag displays a table with border thickness of 1 pixel.

(a) <imgsrc= \file:jpg" >

(b) < table border = 1 > ::: < /table >

(c) < table border = 0 > ::: < =table >

(d) < a href= \target:htm" > ::: < =a >

Ans. b


22. _____HTML tag can control fontface, size and colour.

(a) < font face = “Arial" size = “1" color = “red" > ::: < /font >

(b) < H1 > ::: < =H1 >

(c) < H2 > ::: < =H2 >

(d) < H3 > ::: < =H3 >

Ans. a


23. _______HTML tag displays headingsof the largest size.

(a) < font face = \Arial" size = \+1"color =\red" > ::: < =font >

(b) < H1 > ::: < /H1 >

(c) < H2 > ::: < =H2 >

(d) < H3 > ::: < =H3 >

Ans. b


24. _____HTML tag displays headingsof the second largest size.

(a) < H4 > ::: < =H4 >            

(b) < H1 > ::: < =H1 >           

(c) < H2 > ::: < /H2 > 

(d) < H3 > ::: < =H3 >

Ans. c


25. ______HTML tag displays headingsof the third largest size.

(a) < H4 > ::: < =H4 >            

(b) < H1 > ::: < =H1 >

(c) < H2 > ::: < =H2 >            

(d) < H3 > ::: < /H3 >

Ans. d


26. ______HTML tag displays headingsof the smallest size.

(a) < H6> ::: < /H6>  

(b) < H1 > ::: < =H1 >

(c) < H2 > ::: < =H2 >           

(d) < H3 > ::: < =H3 >

Ans. a

27. In HTML, text size ______ represents the normal size of text.

(a) -4               

(b) 0                

(c) +4              

(d) +8

Ans. b


28. In HTML5, font tag has been_______

(a) appreciated         

(b) reinstated             

(c) deprecated           

(d) beautified

Ans. c


29. Colour can be specified using colour name (like red, gray, blue, cyan, magenta, etc.) or numeric value in _______ colour order.

(a) Red-Green-Blue             

(b) Blue-Green-Red

(c) Green-Red-Blue             

(d) Blue-Green-Blue

Ans. a


30. Colour code of #FF0000 stands for ______ colour.

(a) blue          

(b) green        

(c) red             

(d) black

Ans. c


31. Colour code of #00FF00 stands for _______ colour.

(a) blue          

(b) green        

(c) red             

(d) black

Ans. b


32. Colour code of #0000FF stands for______  colour.

(a) blue          

(b) green        

(c) red             

(d) black

Ans. a


33. Colour code of #000000 stands for _______ colour.

(a) blue          

(b) green        

(c) red             

(d) black

Ans. d


34. Colour code of #FFFFFF stands for _______colour.

(a) white         

(b) green        

(c) red             

(d) black

Ans. a


35. In HTML, the two digit color code value ranges from 00 to_____ in hexadecimal.

(a) AA             

(b) 11              

(c) FF              

(d) CC

Ans. c


36. ______tag is used to display different HTML pages in a single window (not recommended for mobile viewing).

(a) font           

(b) frameset               

(c) table          

(d) img

Ans. b


37. Width of elements like image, table, etc. can be controlled using ______attribute.

(a) width         

(b) height       

(c) length       

(d) breadth

Ans. a


39. Height of elements like image, table, etc. can be controlled using ______attribute.

(a) width        

(b) height      

(c) length      

(d) breadth

Ans. b


40. Width and height value can be specified in _______or in pixels.

(a) meter        

(b) kilometer              

(c) percentage          

(d) inches

Ans. c

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