MS Access MCQ questions and answers. Most important objective type for competitive exams and interview preparation with pdf download free. A...
MS Access MCQ questions and answers. Most important objective type for competitive exams and interview preparation with pdf download free. Any student can read these all questions because these question comes in many exams for example : Computer, DCA, UPPCL, KVS, CCC, Bank, COPA, ITI, SSC and other exams.
MS Access MCQ
1. Microsoft Access provides visual environment for
design of _______.
(a) tables
(b) reports
(c) forms
(d) all of them
Ans. d
2. By
default, new table is displayed in ______view.
(a) Datasheet View
(b) Design View
(c) Report View
(d) Form View
Ans. a
3. _______ is an
alternate to datasheet view for design of table in MS Access.
(a) Datasheet View
(b) Design View
(c) Report View
(d) Form View
Ans. b
4. An
ordinary form for data entry in MS Access tables may be created using______ menu.
(a) Create>Form
(b) Create>Split Form
(c) Create>Multiple Items
Create>Blank Form
Ans. a
5. In MS
Access, a form with data records at one half and entry format at the other half
may be created using______ menu.
(a) Create>Form
Create>Split Form
(c) Create>Multiple Items
Create>Blank Form
Ans. b
6. In MS Access,
multiple rows of data may be created using______ menu.
(a) Create>Form
Create>Split Form
(c) Create>Multiple Items
(d) Create>Blank Form
Ans. c
7. In MS
Access, blank form may be created using______ menu.
(a) Create>Form
Create>Split Form
(c) Create>Multiple Items
Create>Blank Form
Ans. d
8. In MS Access,
form may created through a wizard using______ menu.
(a) Create>More Forms>Form Wizard
(b) Create>Split Form
(c) Create>Multiple Items
Create>Blank Form
Ans. a
9. In MS
Access, data sheet may be created using _______ menu.
(a) Create>More Forms>Form Wizard
(b) Create>More Forms>Data
(c) Create>More Forms>Modal Dialog
(d) Create>Blank Form
Ans. b
10. In MS Access,
form dialog may be created using_______ menu.
(a) Create>More Forms>Form
(b) Create>More Forms>Data Sheet
(c) Create>More
Forms>Modal Dialog
(d) Create>Blank Form
Ans. c
11. In MS
Access, form may be manually designed through available components (like
textfield, datapicker, combo-box, etc.) using ______menu.
(a) Create>More Forms>Form Wizard
(b) Create>More Forms>Data Sheet
(c) Create>More Forms>Modal Dialog
(d) Create>Form Design
Ans. d
12. In MS Access,
default report may be created using ______ menu.
(a) Create>Report
(b) Create>Blank Report
(c) Create>Report Wizard
(d) Create>Report Design
Ans. a
13. In MS
Access, blank report may be created using_______ menu.
(a) Create>Report
(b) Create>Blank
(c) Create>Report Wizard
(d) Create>Report Design
Ans. b
14. In MS
Access, report may be created through wizard using_______ menu.
(a) Create>Report
(b) Create>Blank Report
(c) Create>Report
(d) Create>Report Design
Ans. c
15. In MS
Access, report may be designedusing components like combobox, text field, text
area, list, etc. using _______menu.
(a) Create>Report
Create>Blank Report
(c) Create>Report Wizard
Create>Report Design
Ans. d
16. In MS
Access, macro may be recorded to carry out different actions using______ menu.
(a) Create>Report
Create>Blank Report
(c) Create>Report Wizard
Ans. d
17. In MS Access,
a macro can be activated by pressing,_______ button.
(a) Form
(b) Report
(c) Run
(d) Table
Ans. c
18. In MS
Access, macros can automate__________ .
(a) program flow/ data entry
(b) data import/ data export
(c) filter/ query/ search
all of them
Ans. d
19. What is the maximum length of the field name in Access?
A 16 characters
B 32 characters
C 64 characters
D 128 characters
Ans. c
20.Which view is used to arrange table data in different graphical layouts to summarize data?
A Table view
B Design view
C Data sheet view
D Pivot chart view
Ans. d
21.Which view allows to modify table’s structure in Access?
A Design view
B Datasheet view
C Pivot table view
D Pivot shart view
Ans. a
22.Which object stores information about related data?
A Document
B Table
C Page
D Screen
Ans. b
23.Which key stoke moves the active cell towards left in
Access table?
A F2
B F5
C Tab
D Shift + Tab
Ans. d
24.Which combination of key zooms the content of active
cell in Access table?
A Ctrl + F2
B Ctrl + F5
C Shift + F2
D Shift + F5
Ans. c
25.Which technique prevents invalid data being saved in
Access table?
A Index
B Filter
C Validation rule
D Input mark
Ans. c
26. Which validation rule accepts only a - z letters for
fields in Access?
A Is null or NOT like “*[! a - z]*”
B Is null or NOT like “*[a - z ]*”
C Is null or NOT like “*![a - z]*”
D Is null or NOT like “[! a - z]”
Ans. a
validation rule allows only 0 - 9 for fields in Access?
A Is Null or Not Like “*[ ! 0 - 9 ]*”
B Is Null or Not Like “[! 0 -
C Is Null or Not Like “*[0 - 9]*”
D Is Null or Not Like
Ans. d
validation rule allows only positive numbers for fields in?
A Is Null or > = 0
B Is Null or Positive
C Is Null or < 0
D Is Null or = “+”
Ans. a
is allowed the input mark symbol # in Access?
A Letter or digit
B Letter A through Z
C A digit 0 - 9 with +/- sign
D A digit 0 - 9 without +/- sign
Ans. c
validation rule allows exactly digits for number fields in Access?
A Is Null or Between 100000 and 99999
B Is Null or Like “????”
C Is Null or >= 0 AND< = 99999
D Is Null or < = 99999
Ans. c
31.What is the output when the data ‘1678.95’ is set to the number format ‘###0.00’ in Access?
A 1670.00
B 1670.95
C 1678.00
D 1678.95
Ans. d
32.Which of the following is a valid time format is Access?
Ahh:mm:ss AM/PM
C hh-mm-ss AM/PM
D hh/mm/ss AM/PM
Ans. a
33.Write the output when the data ‘Primary Key’ is set to the text < in Access?
A Primary key
B primary key
D Primary Key
Ans. b
34.What is the output when the data “FOREIGN key’ is set to the text format > in Access?
A foreign key
C Foreign Key
D Foreign key
Ans. b
35. What is the reason for not accepting zero in the fields of Access tables?
A Fields is set with is Null or > 0
B Fields is set with is Null or < = 0
C Fields is set with is Null or! [0]
D Fields is
set with is Null or like “?”
Ans. a
36. Which
field type will you select when you need to enter long text in the field?
a) Text
b) memo
c) currency
d) hyperlink
Ans. b
37. The
expression builder is access tool that controls expression ____ for entering
a) Table
b) Box
c) Cell
d) Palette
Ans. b
38. Which
of the following is not type of MS Access database object?
a) Table
b) Form
c) Worksheets
Ans. c
39. In
which method we don’t need to specify the field type and size while creating a
new table?
a) Design view
While using Wizard
c) Create Table by entering Data
d) All
of these
Ans. c
40.Th size
of yes/no field is always ______ .
a) 1 Bit
b) 1 byte
c) 1 character
1 kb
Ans. a