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Networking MCQ Questions and answers [PDF]

Networking MCQ questions and answers with pdf Computer Network multiple choice objective type questions for Competitive exams and interview...

Networking MCQ questions and answers with pdf Computer Network multiple choice objective type questions for Competitive exams and interview

Networking MCQ Questions and answers PDF

1. What is Availability?

Ans. it ensure that system work promptly and service is not denied to authorized users.


2. PAN stands for _________

a) Personal area network  

b) Prompt area network         

c) Private area network      

d) Pear area network

Ans. A


3. LAN stands for_______

a) Local Area network                     

b) Line area network                      

c) live area network                                     

d) Long area network

Ans. A


4. CAN stands for _______

a) Campus area network    

b) College area network    

c) Center area network        

d) Close area network

Ans. A


5. WAN stands for _______

a) wide area network                       

b) wireless area network    

c) wast area network           

d) work area network

Ans. A


6. GAN stands for__________

a) Global area network        

b) Ground area network         

c) Gold area network          

d) Globe access network

Ans. A


7. ISP stands for_______.

a) Internet service provider             

b) Indian special police      

c) International service provider        

d) Inspiration

Ans. A


8. IPS stands for _______.

a) IN plane switching                      

b) Instructions Per second            

c) Indian police service                   

d) Both a and b

Ans. D


9. NTP stands for _______.

a) Network time protocol     

b) New terminal Point        

c) Network time policy          

d) Network term policy

Ans. A


10. SMS stands for________.

a) Short message service              

b) Small message service

c) special message service           

d) short module set

Ans. A

11. SMTP stands for ________.

a) Simple mail transfer protocol                 

b) Short message transfer protocol          

c) Small message test protocol                  

d) super message test protocol

Ans. A


12. TCP stands for _____.

a) transmission control protocol                

b) time control protocol       

c) total control protocol                                

d) transmission circuit protocol

Ans. A


13. TN stands for _______.

a) twistednematic     

b) total number         

c) trial network                      

d)  traffic network

Ans. A


14. URL stands for _______.

a) Union resource locator               

b) Uniform resource locator          

c) Union relay light                         

d) Under relay light

Ans. B


15. NTP stands for _________.

a) Network time protocol     

b) New time protocol           

c) network threat protocol   

d) network term policy

Ans. A


16. www stands for __________.

a) world wide web                

b) whole world web

c) world wide wire                

d) weird world web

Ans. A


17. The protocol used to automatically assignIP address to a newly connected host in a network is called ______.

(a) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)        

(b) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

(c) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)                                    

(d) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Ans. a


18. Third generation of firewall offers_____ to prevent web fingerprint attacks.

(a) web application firewall                        

(b) packet filter

(c) stateful filter                                 

(d) none of them

Ans. a


19. Who invent www ?

a) bobkahn                

b) Tim berners lee               

c) vintcerf                   

d) lady adalovelace

Ans. B


20. WWW invent in the year__________.

a) 1989                       

b) 1984                       

c) 1999                       

d) 1985

Ans. A


21. TLD stands for_________.

a) time limit domain             

b) top level domain 

c) try low level domain        

d) tata limited department

Ans. B


22. URL stands for________.

a) user relation line             

b) uniform resource locator           

c) union relay line                

d) user roll lime

Ans. B


23. “.com” domain definition is ________.

a) government                      

b) education              

c) commercial                       

d) international

Ans. C


24. DNS stands for ________.

a) digital name system        

b) domain name system              

c) direct name system                     

d) digital name subscribe

Ans. B


25. communication means_________.

a) sending or receiving information         

b) sending information      

c) receiving information        

d) none of these

Ans. A


26. The identity management system binds logical addresses to ______for reputed servers.

(a) MAC address      

(b) specific programs           

(c) other computers              

(d) none of them

Ans. a


27. Exchange of data between two devices using some form of transmission media is called _________.

a) technology            

b) data communication       

c) recording   

d) tracking

Ans. B


28. IPS in firewall stands for ______.

(a) Intrusion Protection System     

(b) Intrusion Prevention Software

(c) Internet Prevention System      

(d) Intrusion Prevention System

Ans. d


29. when data can transfer both side but at a time only one direction can send information is called_______.

a) Half duplex                       

b) simplex      

c) full duplex             

d) communication

Ans. A


30. when data can transfer both side same time data transmission is called _________.

 a) Half duplex                      

b) simplex      

c) full duplex             

d) communication

Ans. C


31. Telnet stands for_________.

a) Telecommunication network                 

b) telephone net       

c) tele net       

d) tele network

Ans. A


32. NFS stands for__________.

a) new file system      

b) network file system        

c) new file storage  

d) need file storage

Ans. B


33. NAS stands for _______.

a) network attached storage           

b) network access storage 

c) network activity sport          

d) new active system

Ans. A


34.Third generation firewalls were otherwise called______ .

(a) packet filters        

(b) stateful filters     

(c) application filters                        

(d) none of them

Ans. c


35. SSH stands for __________.

a) secure socket shell                     

b) secure shell                     

c) both  A and B                   

d) secure session hall

Ans. C


36. NETBIOS stands for___________.

a) network basic input output system       

b) network bill open

c) network basic inter os                             

d) network bulls

Ans. A


37. RPC stands for_______.

a) relay point company                   

b) remote procedure call    

c) right police company                   

d) ray privacy

Ans. B


38. UDP stands for_________.

a) user datagram protocol               

b) uniq data protocol          

c) user diagram protocol                 

d) user data policy

Ans. A


39. IPSEC stands for__________.

a) input second                    

b) IP security            

c) inputsecondry                  

d) inline point section

Ans. B


40. IETF stands for___________.

a) internet engineering task force             

b) internet force       

c) intel telephone                                         

d) intex phone

Ans. A

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