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COPA IT and ITES Computer Question [PDF]

COPA IT and ITES Question MCQ Most Important Questions and Answers for COPA Trade Students NCVT/SCVT Exams Preparation with Complete Questio...

COPA IT and ITES Question MCQ Most Important Questions and Answers for COPA Trade Students NCVT/SCVT Exams Preparation with Complete Question Bank in pdf. This is a New Topic Added By DGE&T in COPA Trade Syllabus in 2019.

COPA IT & ITeS Computer Question

1. ATM stands for ____

a) Automatic Teller Machine

b) Automatic Transaction Machine

c) Automatic Treatment machine

d) None of these

Ans. A


2. A server  ____ a service.

a) Requests              

b) Provides

c) A or B                    

d) None of these

Ans. B


3. Wi-Fi is a short name for ____

a) Wired Fidelity                   

b) Wireless Fidelity

c) Wireless Frequency        

d) None of the above

Ans. B


4. Which of the following are basically small computers?

a) Tab

b) Mobile phone

c) Mouse

d) None of these

Ans. A


5. In computer terminology, OCR stands for

a) Optical Character recognition

b) Optical Card Reader

c) Office cash receiver

d) Online Computer Retrieval

Ans. A


6. Which of the following can cause the computer to stop its working?

a) System failure

b) Power issues

c) Both of these

Ans. C


7. Which of the following is likely to have a speed of millions of instructions per second ?

a) Humans                

b) Cars           

c) Computers

Ans. C


8. Which of the following is referred to Garbage in the usage, “Garbage in Garbage Out” ?

a) Dust

b) Diseases

c) Error in input to computer

Ans. C


9. A computer system can accept textual input with the help of

a) Mouse                   

b) Video Camera

c) Keyboard               

d) Barcode Reader

Ans. c

10. We can enter the audio form of data into a computer system with the help of

a) Microphone

b) Scanner

c) Keyboard

d) Barcode Reader

Ans. A


11. Which of the following is NOT an input device?

a) Scanner

b) Speaker

c) Keyboard

d) Mic

Ans. b


12. Which of the following can be used for Audio-Video communication?

a) Video Conferencing

b) Chat

c) Email

d) IP Telephony

Ans. a


13. Which of the following is Not an Internet Browser?

a) Google Chrome

b) Internet Explorer

c) Mozilla Firefox

d) Notepad

Ans. D


14. Identify a valid email id out of the following.

a) gkeditorial@gmail.in       

b) gk_editorial.gmail.in

c) gk@editorial@in              

d) gk editorial@gk.in

Ans. A


15. Which of the following combination of keys are used for copying a particular file in a folder?

a) CTRL + V

b) Ctrl + X

c) Ctrl + C

d) Ctrl + A

Ans. C


16. Who is known as the father of internet

a) Alan Perlis

b) Jean E. Sammet

c) Vint Cerf

d) Steve Lawrence

Ans. C


17. Which one is volatile memory in a computer system

a) Hard Disk

b) RAM

c) ROM

d) Optical Drive

Ans. B

18. One Terabyte (1 TB) is equal to

a) 1028 GB

b) 1012 GB

c) 1000 GB

d) 1024 GB

Ans. D


19. Who first developed QWERTY keyboard used in computers and phones

a) Raphael Finkel

b) Wim Ebbinkhuijsen

c) Shafi Goldwasser

d) Christopher Latham Sholes

Ans. D


20. Which Operating system is developed and used by Apple Inc

a) Windows

b) Android

c) iOS


Ans. C

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