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COPA Question Paper 2017 (Theory)

ITI COPA Previous Year 2017, 2nd semester (Session 2016-2017) Original Theory Question Paper SCVT with Answer Key Solution for Computer Oper...

ITI COPA Previous Year 2017, 2nd semester (Session 2016-2017) Original Theory Question Paper SCVT with Answer Key Solution for Computer Operator and Programming Assistant Trade Students.

 COPA Question Paper 2017 

SCVT Exam  November – 2017


व्यवसाय – (COPA)

विषय – (Theory)

Time : 04 Hrs.                                                                                                          Max. Marks : 30


Attempt all questions. All questions carry equal marks.                                        


1. The original name of javascript was :

a) Oak            

b) BASIC       

c) FORTRAN            

d) None of these

Ans. a


2. Expansion of DOM is

a) Document only model                

b) Document object model

c) Document ordinary model         

d) None of these

Ans. b


3. Which development tools are the gift of OOP?

a) Visual basic          

b) Visual C++            

c) SQL            

d) Developer 2000

Ans. b


4. A flowchart which uses predefined symbols are called

a) system flowchart              

b) Program flowchart           

c) DED           

d) All of these

Ans. d


5. Transactions are posted into ledger accounts from

a) Vouchers              

b) Journal book        

c) None of these      

d) All of these

Ans. b


6. Full form of TDS is

a) Tax debited at source     

b) Tax deducted at source

c) Tax devied at source       

d) None of these

Ans. b


7. Software attacks are

a) Viruses      

b) Worms       

c) Both A and B        

d) None of these

Ans. c


8. Cloud computing is a combination of

a) internet      

b) Computer technology     

c) Both A & B            

d) None of these

Ans. c


9. Which tag is used to insert a java script into a HTML page?

a) <script =”java”>                 

b) <java script>         

c) <script>                  

d) <js>

Ans. c


10. Which loop will execute the code block one more one before checking the condition?

a) For loop     

b) For / in loop          

c) While loop             

d) Do/while loop

Ans. d


11. VBA stands for

a) Virtual basic for advanced programming        

b) Visual basic for application

c) Very basic for authentication                            

d) Visual basic for applied science

Ans. b


12. Computer resources are

a) Processor              

b) Memory                 

c) I/O               

d) All of these

Ans. d


13. Tally package is developed by

a) Peutronics                        

b) Coral software      

c) Tally solutions      

d) Vedika software

Ans. c


14. Javascript is interpreted by :

a) Client         

b) Server        

c) Object         

d) None of these

Ans. a


15. Which operate for “greater than equal to” ?

a) > =              

b) < =              

c) >>               

D) <<

Ans. a


16. The pillers of computer security are

a) Confidentiality     

b) Integrity     

c) Availabilty             

d) All of these

Ans. d


17. SSL stands for

a) Secure socket layer        

b) Social secure layer

c) Special secure layer       

d) None of these

Ans. a


18. What are the component of E-Commerce?

a) Institutions            

b) Process     

c) Network     

d) All of these

Ans. d


19. Which is not a search engine?

a) Store front             

b) Yahoo        

c) Google       

d) Excite

Ans. a


20. What are the elements of security architecture?

a) Encryption                        

b) Firewalls   

c) Trusted operating system           

d) All of these

Ans. d


21. Personal income tax imposed by

a) Central government        

b) State government            

c) Both A and B        

d) None of these

Ans. c


22. Errors which can be pointed by compiler are

a) Syntax error          

b) Semantic errors   

c) Logical errors        

d) None of these

Ans. a


23. Input box function displays

a) Predefined message                  

b) Logical veriables            

c) User defined message               

d) Dialog box for user input

Ans. d


24. Software opponents are

a) Virus          

b) Worms       

c) Both A and B        

d) All of these

Ans. c


25.  In SWOT  “O” stands for

a) Strength    

b) Weakness             

c) Opportunity           

d) Threat

Ans. c


26. Which of the following will not be recorded in the books of accounts?

a) Sales of goods     

b) Payment of salary           

c) Quality of staff      

d) None of these

Ans. c


27. The unary operator in java script are

a) (++)             

b) (- - ) 

c) Both A and B        

d) None of these

Ans. c


28. In VBA set of commands bundled together under the name of called

a) Macro         

b) Procedure             

c) Module      

d) Event

Ans. d


29. “<<” is an

a) Output operator    

b) Input operator       

c) Both A and B        

d) None of these

Ans. a


30. In MS Access 2007 which type of field is incremented automatically?

a) Auto number        

b) Auto value                        

c) Auto increment    

d) Number

Ans. a