ITI COPA Previous Year 2017, 2nd semester (Session 2016-2017) Original Theory Question Paper NCVT with Answer Key Solution for Computer Oper...
ITI COPA Previous Year 2017, 2nd semester (Session 2016-2017) Original Theory Question Paper NCVT with Answer Key Solution for Computer Operator and Programming Assistant Trade Students.
COPA Theory Question Paper 2017
Note: Attempt all the questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
This paper carries negative marking. 25 % marks will be
deducted for each wrong answer.
Choose the correct answers:
1. To activate MRP feature from gateway of Tally , initially we need to
press _______.
a) F11
b) F12
c) F9
d) F8
Ans. b
2. To activate job costing, which option is required to be activated ?
a) Maintain cost centre
b) Use
cost centre for job costing
c) Both A and B
None of these
Ans. c
3. Which products are people most likely to be more uncomfortable buying on
the internet?
a) Books
b) Furniture
c) Movies
d) All of these
Ans. b
4. Which is a function of E-commerce –
a) Marketing
b) Advertising
c) Warehousing
d) All of these
Ans. d
5. The pillars of computer security is/are-
a) Confidentiality
b) Integrity
c) Availability
d) All of these
Ans. d
6. In E–Commerce, which is not an interface perspective ?
a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C4B
d) C2C
Ans. c
7. SSL stands for ______
a) Secure socket layer
Social secure layer
c) Special secure layer
d) Super
secure layer
Ans. a
8. When following piece of code is executed, what happens?
a) a contains 3 and b contains 4
a contains 4 and b contains 4
c) a contains 4 and b contains 3
a contains 3 and b contains 3
Ans. d
9. Which was the first web browser?
a) World wide web
b) Netscape navigator
c) internet explorer
d) safari
Ans. b
10. What does NaN stands for ?
a) Natural number
b) Not a Number
c) Numeric number
d) None of these
Ans. b
11. _____ java script is also called client-side java script.
a) Microsoft
b) Navigator
c) Live wire
d) Native
Ans. b
12. _____ java script is also called client-side java script.
a) Microsoft
b) Navigator
c) Live wire
d) Native
Ans. c
13. A compiler is a _____
a) A hardware component
An application program
c) A system software
None of these
Ans. b
14. Why so java script and java have similar name ?
a) Java script is a stripped-down version of java
b) Java script’s syntax is loosely based on java’s
c) They both originated on the island of java
d) None of these
Ans. b
15. What is the correct java script syntax to write “Hello world” ?
a) Syntem.out.printIn (“Hello World”)
b) printIn (“Hello World”)
c) document.write (“Hello World”)
d) respose.write (“Hello world”)
Ans. c
16. Java script is interpreted by _______.
a) Client
b) Server
c) Object
d) None of these
Ans. a
17. Using ____ statement is how you test for a specific condition.
a) select
b) if
c) switch
d) for
Ans. b
18. The ____ method of an array object adds and/or removes elements from an
a) Reverse
b) Shift
c) Slice
d) Splice
Ans. d
19. Java script entities start with _____ and end with ____.
a) Semicolon, colon
Semicolon, ampersand
c) Ampersand, colon
Ampersand, Semicolon
Ans. d
20. Inside which HTML element do we put the java script ?
a) <js>
b) <scripting>
c) <script>
d) <javascript>
Ans. c
21. An object oriented language
supports _______.
a) Inheritance
b) Polymorphism
c) Data abstraction
d) All of these
Ans. d
22. The nucleus of OOP is/are ______.
a) Class
b) Objects
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
Ans. c
23. What are the data type in OOP?
a) Simple data type
Standard data type
c) Pointer data type
All of these
Ans. d
24. In C, syntax errors can be found by ______.
a) compiler
b) Loader
c) Linker
Operating system
Ans. a
25. Tally package is developed by ____ .
a) Peutronics
b) Tally solutions
c) Coral software
d) Vedika software
Ans. b
26. In tally, part account can be created through _____.
a) Group creation window
ledger creation window
c) Inventory creation window
New creation window
Ans. b
27. In general, the financial year shall be from –
a) 1st April of any year
1st January of any year
c) 31st March of any year
31st December of any year
Ans. a
28. What is the utility of Tally vault password?
a) It will lock the period of company
b) It will lock all vouchers entry for that company
c) It will not show the company name in company select list
d) None of these
Ans. c
29. In Tally, we can show bill wise details of debtors & creditors by
activating ____
a) Bill by bill
Maintain bill wise details
c) Maintain reference
d) None
of these
Ans. b
30. Suspense account group is defined under _____.
a) Income
b) Expenditure
c) Liabilities
d) Assets
Ans. c