EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS LABOUR welfare legislation ITI important questions and answers for ES Exam Paper Preparation. All Question Collect from...
EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS LABOUR welfare legislation ITI important questions and answers for ES Exam Paper Preparation. All Question Collect from Bharat Skills Question Bank and NIMI APP Mock Test/Quiz
1. As per factories act, 1948 canteen should be provided in
the factory if, workers are more than..............
A) 100
B) 250
C) 500
D) 1000
Ans : B
2. Under factories Act, the restriction on working time of
women is………………….
A) before 5 AM and beyond 7 PM
B) before 6 AM and beyond 7 PM
C) before 6 AM and beyond 8 PM
D) before 7 AM and beyond 8 PM
Ans : B
3. Under Factories Act, the workers weekly hours should not
exceed more than...............
A) 60 hours
B) 50 hours
C) 48 hours
D) 40 hours
Ans : C
4. What is the expansion of ILO?
A) International Labour Organization
B) Indian Labour Organization
C) Indian Labour Occupation
D) International
Labour Occupation
Ans : A
5. What is the minimum percentage of employee’s contribution
from the basic salary, as per EPF Act, 1962?
A) 8.50%
B) 9%
C) 12%
D) 12.50%
Ans : C
6. Which factor is NOT concerned with occupational health
and safety?
A) Safety
B) Health
C) Welfare
D) Salary
Ans : D
7. Which scheme of Act provides health insurance
requirements for workers?
A) Factories Act
B) Plantation Labor Act
C) Employee’s Compensation Act
D) Employee’s state Insurance Act
Ans : D
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