COPA Question bank MS Excel MCQ with answers PDF. Most important for 2023 Exam Paper Preparation for ITI Students. COPA Question Bank MS Ex...
COPA Question bank MS Excel MCQ with answers PDF. Most important for 2023 Exam Paper Preparation for ITI Students.
COPA Question Bank MS Excel MCQ PDF
1. what
is the extension file excel 2004 ?
a) .xls
b) .excel
c) .xcel
Ans. A
2. what
is the extension file excel 2007 and above ?
a) .xls
b) .excel
c) .xlsx
Ans. C
3. Worksheet is also called an array of____.
a) column
b) cells
c) box
d) formula
Ans. b
Cells are named in MS Excel?
A Alphabetically
B Numerically
C Alphanumerically
D Special Character
Ans. c
5.What is the maximum
limit of rows in MS Excel 2010?
A 1084567
B 1048567
C 1048576
D 1084576
Ans. c
6.What is the maximum
limit of column in MS Excel 2010?
A 16384
B 16438
C 16843
Ans. a
7.Which bar lies top of
the window in Excel Screen?
A Status Bar
B Ruler
C Title Bar
D Scroll Bar
Ans. c
8.How rows are numbered
in MS Excel?
A Alphabetically
B Numerically
C Alphanumerically
D Special
Ans. b
9.How columns are named
in MS Excel?
A Alphabetically
B Numerically
C Alphanumerically
D Special
Ans. a
10.Which tab is used to
include pivot table, charts, hyperlinks to a spread sheet?
A Insert
B Page Layout
C Data
D Review
11.Which tab in Excel is
used when importing, querying, outlining and subtotaling the data placed into a
worksheet’s data list?
A Formula
B Data
C Review
D Insert
Ans. b
12.Which tab in Excel is used for proofing,
protecting, and marking up a spread sheet?
A Formula
B Data
C Review
D View
Ans. c
13.Which tool in Ms
office is best for organizing data and making lists?
A Access
B Excel
C Power Point
D Word
Ans. b
14.What is the file
extension of Excel 2010?
A xls
B xlsb
C xlsm
D xlsx
Ans. d
15.How does the single
element in a worksheet known as in Excel?
A Cell
B Column
C Range
D Row
Ans. a
16.What do you mean by
A3,B13:B20,C7 reference in Excel?
A Range
B Union
C Formula
D General
Ans. a
17.Which type of key should combine with ctrl key to create a macro key in Excel?
A Numeric
B Alphabetic
C Alphanumeric
D Special characters
18.Which bar is used to display the sheet information and
insertion point location in MS Excel?
A Ruler
B Scroll Bar
C Status Bar
D Title
Ans. c
19.Which tab
is used to change the display of worksheet area and the data it contains?
A Page Layout
B Data
C Review
D View
Ans. d
view in Excel displays the pages exactly as they appear when printed?
A Custom View
B Full screen View
C Page Break View
D Page Layout
Ans. d
21.Which tab
is used for creating, formatting and editing a spreadsheet?
A Data
B Home
C Insert
Ans. b
function is used to count the number of cells that contain numbers, in a range?
A Count ()
B Countif()
C Sum()
D Sumif()
Ans. a
23.Which function is used to add the values in
a range?
A Count()
B Sum()
D Sumif()
Ans. b
24.which symbol is used to excute formulas in MS Excel?
A =
B ‘
C #
D “
Ans. a
25.Wheredoes the result displays when a formula is
entered in Excel?
Current Cell
Next Cell
Previous Cell
Formula Bar
Ans. a