Cyber security COPA ITI MCQ questions and answers important for theory Exam paper NCVT/SCVT Cyber Security COPA ITI MCQ 1. What is the fu...
Cyber security COPA ITI MCQ questions and answers important for theory Exam paper NCVT/SCVT
Cyber Security COPA ITI MCQ
1. What is the full form of LDAP?
A Light Weight Directory Access Provider
B Light Weight Directory Access Protocol
C Light Weight Directory Access Program
D Light Weight Directory Access Protection
Ans. b
2. What is called the collective terms of malicious software, such as viruses, worms and trojans?
A Spam
B Phishing
C Malware
D Harm
Ans. c
3. What is the full form of CIA under information
A Confidentiality Integrity Availability
B Criminal
Investigation Agency
C Cost Information Agency
Credit Integrity Assement
Ans. a
4. What is called a single point of access for several
networking services?
A Phishing
B Web service
C Directory service
Ans. c
5. Which activities endanger the sovereignty and
integrity of nation?
A Cyber Terrorism
B Cyber vandalism
C Cyber squatting
D Carding
Ans. a
6. Which crime involves the use of computer networks to
create, distribute or access materials tha sexually expoit underage persons?
A Assault by Threat
B Cyber squatting
C Cyber vandalism
D Child pornography
Ans. d
7. Which
method go through all the files or network elements with an intention to detect
something unusual?
A Probing
B Phishing
C Infecting
D Scanning
Ans. d
8. What is called the protection of information and data from
unauthorized Access?
A Physical
B Link
C Risk
D Information
Ans. d
9. When the Indian parliament passed the IT Act? [Online Paper 2021]
A) 1990
B) 1992
C) 2000
D) 2005
Ans. c
What is called protecting data from online attacks, deletions, malwares? [Online Paper 2021]
Physical security
Cyber security
Cyber attack
Ans. b
11. Cyber security is also called as _______ security?
a) Criminal
b) Information Technology
c) National
d) International
Ans. b
12. Which of the following is an anti-virus program?
a) Nortron
b) K7
c) Quick heal
d) All of these
Ans. d
13. ______ monitors user activity on internet and
transmit that information in the background to someone else.
a) Malware
b) Spyware
c) Adware
d) None of these
Ans. b
14. Passwords are used to improve the _______ of a
a) Performance
b) Reliability
c) Security
d) Longevity
Ans. c
15. Where might a spammer get your personal information
a) Facebook
b) MySpace
c) Linkedin
d) All of these
Ans. d