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ITI COPA JavaScript Questions [PDF] 2023-24

ITI COPA JavaScript questions and answers most important MCQ for computer operator and programming assistant 2023-24 exam paper preparation ...

ITI COPA JavaScript questions and answers most important MCQ for computer operator and programming assistant 2023-24 exam paper preparation with pdf

ITI COPA JavaScript Questions PDF

1. NaN stands for_________.

a) Nano                      

b) NanTech   

c) Not  a number      

d) New attacted Nematic

Ans. c


2. ++ operator in Java Script is ____ Operator.

a) Unary         

b) Positive     

c) Increment  

d) Addition

Ans. a


3. A translator is described as ________ software.

a) Application           

b) System      

c) Utility          

d) Open Source

Ans. b


4. BOM stands for______ .

(a) Browser Object Model               

(b) Browser Opening Model          

(c) Brown Object Model                   

(d) Browser Object Mission

Ans. a


5. What is the process of writing instruction to be get executed by the computer?

A Debugging            

B Executing              

C Presenting            

D Programming

Ans. d


6. Which is a statement terminator in javascript?

A ,       

B ;       

C :       

D . .

Ans. b


7. Which programming language’s syntax influences javascript syntex?

A C                 

B COBOL      

C Java            


Ans. a


8. Which web server provides good customer support if it had any issues?

A Apache      

B IIS               

C Lite speed              

D Nginx

Ans. b


9. Which key is used to declare a variable in javascript?

A const           

B dec              

C dim              

D var

Ans. d


10. Which is a variable seperator if more than one variable declared in one statement?

A ,            

B :                   

C -                   

D /

      Ans. a


11. Which brackets is used to write array in java script?

A Curve bracket            

B Square bracket     

C Curly bracket        

D Corner bracket

      Ans. b


12. Which bracket is used to write object in javascript?

A Curve bracket            

B Square bracket                 

C Curly bracket        

D Corner bracket

Ans. c


13. How many types of operation are there in javascript?

A 3           

B 4                  

C 6                  

D 8

Ans. d


14. What is the purpose module (%) operator in javascript?

A Percentage value      

B Product value       

C Remainder value                         

D Quotient value

      Ans. c 


15. How many part are there in ‘For’ loop?

A 2           

B 3      

C 4      

D 5

      Ans. b


16. Which part in loop evaluates the conditions?

A Condition part            

B Increment /Decrement part

C Initialisation part        

D Looping part

      Ans. a


17. How many types of error are there in javascript programming?

A 3      

B 4      

C 6      

D 8

Ans. a


18. How many different values can be returned by the error name property in javascript ?

A 3      

B 4      

C 5      

D 6

Ans. d


19. Which object method is used to return the value rounded down to its nearest interger?

A abs()           

B ceil()           

C floor()          

D round()

Ans. c


20. Which special variable holds more than one value at a time?

A Array           

B Element     

C Function    

D Object

Ans. a


21. Which is the parameter name separator in javascript?

A ,       

B :       

C -       

D /

Ans. a


22. Which function in javassript converts a number to a string?

A Num()         

B Str()             

C String()       

D to string()

Ans. d


23. Which allows developers to bundle all functionality under a unique application –specific name?

A Class          

B Name space          

C Object         

D Property

Ans. b


24. Which is a valid js code to sort element of an array tracle?

A Trade.sort:       

B Trade.sort();           

C Sort.trade();           

D Sort.(trade);

      Ans. b


25. What is the full form of TOC?

A Text of content           

B Time of calculation          

C Table of content   

D Terminator of content

      Ans. c

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