ITI ES Previous Year Question Paper 2014 in Hindi with Answer key Solution for All Trade Students like: COPA, Fitter, Steno English/Hindi, E...
ITI ES Previous Year Question Paper 2014 in Hindi with Answer key Solution for All Trade Students like: COPA, Fitter, Steno English/Hindi, Electrician, Plumber, Machinist etc.
ITI Employability skills Question Paper 2014
सेमेस्टर प्रणाली
पर आधारित पेपर – January 2014
Trade :
Theory प्रथम सत्र Time : 1½ Hrs.
Subject : Employability skills Afternoon Total Marks : 50
1. कंप्यूटर का इनपुट
डिवाइस कौन सा है ?
a) प्रिंटर
b) मॉनिटर
c) कुंजी बोर्ड
d) सीडी/डीवीडी
Ans. c
2. EPROM ........का मतलब है –
a) विद्दुत निर्देश
योग्य रैंडम केवल स्मृति
b) Erasable निर्देश योग्य पढ़े-केवल स्मृति
c) विधुत निर्देश
योग्य पढ़े – केवल स्मृति
d) इरेसेबल प्रोसेसर
पढ़े-केवल स्मृति
Ans. b
3. निम्नलिखित में से
कौन सा ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का एक उदाहरण है ?
a) माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड
b) माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेस
c) डेस्कटॉप
d) माइक्रोसॉफ्ट विंडोज
Ans. d
4. निम्नलिखित में से
कौन सी कमांड विंडोज o.s. बंद करने के लीये
प्रयोग किया जाता है ?
a) बंद
b) शटडाउन
c) निकास
d) रिसेट
Ans. b
5. नियंत्रण कक्ष ‘विकल्प का कार्य क्या है?’
a) यह कंप्यूटर से
जुड़ा ड्राइव दिखायेगा
b) यह उपकरणों के
बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी प्रदर्शित करेगा
c) यह कंप्यूटर पर
वर्तमान सेटिंग में परिवर्तन की अनुमति देता है
d) यह कंप्यूटर को LOG OFF करने के सुविधा देता है जिसके लिए OFF करने की आवश्यकता
नहीं है
Ans. c
6. word में पूरा
डॉक्यूमेंट चयन करने की शोर्ट कट के कौन सी है ?
a) Ctrl + A
b) Ctrl +C
c) Ctrl + X
d) Ctrl + V
Ans. a
7. त्वरित पहुच उपकरण
पट्टी बटन ‘दोहराए’ मार्क्स को ......प्रयोग किया |
a) दस्तावेज में
परिवर्तनों को save करने
b) अंतिम क्रिया को
उल्टा करना
c) परिवर्तन को रखना
और उलटी कार्यवाही को बनाये रखना
d) खत्म हुई
कार्यवाही दोहराने
Ans. d
8. MS power पॉइंट में स्लाइड चयन करने का कार्य क्या है ?
a) स्लाइड चयन करने
के लिए प्रदर्शित किया जा रहा है
b) संक्रमण प्रभाव के
बिना प्रस्तुत करने के लिए
c) मेनू या टूल बार
के बिना दृश्य प्रदर्शित करने के लिए
d) नई स्लाइड बनाने
के लिए
Ans. c
9. वैन का विस्तार ...........
a) world area network
b) web area network
c) wide area network
d) word area network
Ans. c
10. कौन सा मॉडेम
सर्किट बोर्ड की तरह है जो कंप्यूटर को साथ में जोड़ता है ?
a) बाहरी मॉडेम
b) वायर्ड मॉडेम
c) वायरलेस मॉडेम
d) इंटरनल मॉडेम
Ans. b
11. Fill in the blanks with a suitable tense verb.
I………(write) my final exam yesterday.
a) written
b) wrote
c) Will write
d) Shall write
Ans. b
12. What is the appropriate response for the
following greeting Ram : Hi, I am Ram,
How are you? I have joined as tool Engineer.
a) Hi , I am fine. Nice meeting you, I am sonu , I work as work as video creator.
b) Oh, bye then !
c) I am working and I am very busy. See you
d) Ok so what?
Ans. a
13. Fill in the blanks with suitable
preposition from given choices.
The books were kept……..the table.
a) at
b) in
c) on
d) over
Ans. c
14. Choose an appropriate ‘wh’ – question for
the following sentence. : “ I live in Haryana”
a) What is your place?
b) When did you leave Haryana
c) Why do you love living in Haryana
d) Where do you live?
Ans. d
15. Read the following memo and answer the
question given below.
To : HITEC staff
From : HR Manager
Date : October 16, 2013
Subject : Staff meeting to announce training programme I am
pleased to announce that two week training programme will start from October
20, 2013. There will be a meeting to introduce trainers and schedule at 11.00
a.m on October 17, 2013. Please join me to discuss the training programme
arrangements. Please share this announcement with all staff immediately. When is
the staff meeting going to be held?
a) October 16, 2013
b) October 17, 2013
c) October 11, 2013
d) October 20, 2013
Ans. b
16. Prakashis a fresh diploma holder attending
an interview. He was asked by the interviewer “Where do you ssee yourself five
years from now?” Which of the following
do you think is the best answer?
a) In five years I believe I would risen to
the position of project leader.
b) I don’t know
c) I don’t plan that far ahead
d) I think in five years I will be working in
another company.
Ans. a
17. “ HelloPradeep. This Sulaiman. My
colleague John told me that Raja called me at 11. Is he avaible ?“ In this
conversation identify the sender and the receiver of the message?
a) Sender Sulaiman, Receiver pradeep
b) Sender Pradeep, Receiver Sulaiman
c) Sender Raja, Receiver Sulailman
d) Sender John, Receiver Pradeep
Ans. a
18. What is the problem in the following
message?“ Come and collect your daughter’s report card on October 20, 2013 at
11 a.m from the class teacher.”
a) it is too short
b) It is not courteous
c) it is incomplete
d) it has mistakes
Ans. a
19. Identify where would come across the
following message : “Kindly consider my application favourably and give me an
opportunity to prove my credential at a personal discussion”.
a) Circular
b) Memo
c) Radio announcement
d) Job application
Ans. d
20. Deepa who is working in a software
institute receives a call from student asking for the director who has gone
out. Which of the following would be a suitable response over the telephone?
a) Why are you asking for the director? I can
answer any of your queries.
b) I am sorry the director is not available at
the moment. May I take a message for him?
c) I don’t know where the director has gone
d) You can’tspeake to the director
Ans. b
21. Frame a “wh” –question for the following
sentence : My favourite holiday place in Ooty”?
a) What is your favourite holiday place?
b) what is your native place?
c) why do you like ooty?
d) Where do you live?
Ans. a
22. Fill in the blanks with suitable
comparative adjective. Ram is……thanshyam.
a) Tall
b) Taller
c) More tall
d) Tallest
Ans. b
23. What is the long from this SMS short from
a) for your information
b) for your identification
c) for your internet
d) for your inncence
Ans. a
24. Words that show the actions are called
a) Nouns
b) Verbs
c) Adjective
d) Pronouns
Ans. b
25. Which one is the barrier to speaking ?
a) Nervousness
b) Stress
c) Lack of time
d) Cultural barrier
Ans. a